Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Rumors Are True

I'm angry, folks. At myself. On some kind of reckless whim, I joined Twitter this afternoon. They got me. Like it or not, they got me. Find me here. My name isn't Daisy. My name is nothing that even remotely sounds like Daisy. I don't play the drums. But here's the thing. I wanted something original. I wanted an alliteration, and the first thing that popped into my head was PrincessPaxil. I don't know why. I'm not a princess. I'm not on Paxil. I don't think psychopharmacology is a laughing matter. (Apparently, though, someone does, since the name was taken. Suspicious. Very suspicious.) Anyway, perhaps it was just my love of Next to Normal creeping to the surface. This led me to decide that I wanted something Broadway related, so I quickly ran through my repertoire. SallyBowles. Taken. RagtimeWasRobbed. Too long. Baby June. Might invite pedophiles. Eventually, I landed on SIDE SHOW. Let's get one thing straight. I'm a Daisy fan, even though Alice Ripley played Violet. Daisy has better harmonies, gets better lyrics, and, being on the left, gets the luxury of using her right hand. Fascinating, I know. I briefly considered ViciousViolet, but eventually settled on Drumbeat Daisy. I don't know where I got the drumbeat thing from. Maybe it was the fact that two years of shameless fangirliness have led me to associate heavy drumbeats with Spring Awakening.

I've "tweeted" twice. Guess what. It's not fun. I have one follower so far. He or she is known only as "mandarich." At first I was a little freaked out. It was a Blanche DuBois moment. "I don't know you...I don't know you...." However. I started to realize something. I don't really care about Twitter. It's stupid. Stupider than the fact that Leslie Kritzer is gonna play Sally Bowles and I won't get to see her. (Her Perfectly Marvelous is gonna kill.) I had to share this before I go. Ragtime...revived. I think I just jumped out of my skin a little bit. If this is true, there's no shot in hell that I'll miss it. I just had a quick mental image of Sherie Renee Scott as Mother, even though her voice can get a little grating. We're talking Betsy Joslyn as Johanna grating. Yeah. That kind of grating.

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