Thursday, November 11, 2010

So Anyway

Next to Normal closes January 16. Usually I'm a fan of saying, "Ok. Let it go. Better this than they end up like Chicago." But they've been doing okay, as far as I can tell. It wasn't time for this one to go yet. I thought it still had a lot of life left in it. Oh, well. Leave it be and let it end. Thanks for the fun. I never, ever thought it would last this long.

I don't want to go to closing night, so I won't. But I did want to see Marin Mazzie play Diana. So maybe I'll go one dat during Christmas break. Crappy seats. Sit by myself. And say good-bye. January is a brutal month. Fela and Next to Normal have already taken the hit. American Idiot they're coming for you next.

1 comment:

Marisa said...

As I said, the last time I saw Alice was the last time I would see the show.