Wednesday, June 17, 2009

And As I Say These Words, My Heart's About to Break...

I'm reeling. My heart is broken. August: Osage County is closing on June 28. It's no secret that I'm a huge August fan. I wanna be just like Barbara Fordham when I grow up. I cannot tell you how much I am going to miss the Westons. I have so much love for them and their dysfunction. My God, this is bad news. Well, I'll be there. Maybe not at the closing itself, but I'm making one more journey with this show before it closes. I will not allow myself to miss Amy Morton. No way. You guys thought I was determined to go see the Hair tribe? Well, in all honesty, screw the Hair tribe. These are the Westons we're talking about here, people. You don't wanna break shit with them. I've been a Weston fan long enough for some of their incredible vitality to rub off on me, and in the five-minute break from blogging I just took, I was able to run downstairs and secure three tickets to the closing for Berri, Lenora and I. Technically, Lenora doesn't know she's coming yet. I took the liberty. (If you read this, Lenora, I'm sorry about that. But everyone deserves to meet the Westons at least once. You're welcome.) Well, God bless August: Osage County, this brilliant show. When the plates hit the floor on the 28th, I'll be there, with love in my heart and tears in my eyes, as corny as that is.
This is one show I'm gonna miss an awful lot. We're losing a good one, friends. We're losing an awful good one. I just realized that this is the reason I was talking about hope in my last post. Of course, I had no idea that the announcement would be today. Don't get me wrong. This has been a long time coming. I just didn't know it would be today. But this is the reason I had to hope. Maybe I'm psychic. We're never gonna find Bin Laden. There. See? I'm psychic.

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